IFBB PRO DOBRI DELEV PRO SHOW champion and Olympia star in 212 has joined forces with PHASE 7 SYSTEMS to bring his ULTIMATE MASS GAINER PRO PROGRAM to the fans, on sale for just 29.99$ on digital downloads threw the PHASE 7 SYSTEMS online store, its been a few months process getting it right and with DOBRI taking the program threw its passes in the gym to make sure it was just right for release, included in the program is the full weeks training split, 3 of the PHASE 7 hardcore systems and DOBRI personal OFF SEASON diet plan, this is an amazing program, with dobris unique PRO TRAINING methods combined with the most hardcore systems PHASE 7
after talking over with JOHN CHATLEY the idea of my PRO PROGRAM combined with his PHASE 7 SYSTEMS i was excited, so john sent over the PROTOCOLS via email with set instructions and i tried them out in the GYM to get a feel for them and was impressed with the intensity and the crazy crazy pump i got from them, so then we set about with SKYPE calls putting together the perfect program, from my experience in putting on mass and training at a PRO LEVEL, it came together just great, and we are both happy with the end product, this will get great results and a sure winner for those that like to train hardcore and push themselves hard in the gym, i am looking forward to the fans results from my PRO PROGRAM.
this is a huge honor for me to work along side a PRO of DOBRI,S caliber, hugely impressed with his PRO SHOW wins and Olympia appearances in 212 and the quality of muscle this guy has been packing on, so we got together to put together dobris PRO PROGRAM with my PHASE 7 SYSTEMS including, not an easy task as DOBRI,s level of training is hardcore and pushes himself to the limit to create growth then bring in huge volume and intensity systems that had to be worked in just right, so we spent a few months going over the plans and dobri implanting it in the gym to get it right, and the end product is one hell of a intense hardcore PRO training program, so we are super excited about releasing this to the world VIA are online store, and really looking forward to DOBRI,S results over the next year as he steps up into the OPEN CLASS for 2018 and pretty sure cement himself as a top 10 global star.
IFBB PRO DOBRI DELEVS program is available KNOW just click the link – https://phase7training.com/phase-7-systems/